All About Me- Poem

Lesson Instructions

Danielson Aligned Lesson Plan Template for Formal Observations Primary Subject Area and Grade Level: List the primary content area for this lesson. List the beginning and ending grade levels for which this lesson is appropriate.ELA- 5th GradeInterdisciplinary Connections: Provide a listing of the subject area(s), in addition to the primary subject area that is incorporated in this lesson.  (1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)ELALesson Duration: State the approximate time frame for this lesson.  (1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) 45 minutesRelevance/Rationale: Consider how your outcomes and plan will engage students cognitively and build understanding. Why are the lesson outcomes important in the real world? How is this lesson relevant to students in this class (interests, cultural heritages, needs)? (1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students)This lesson will be engaging for the students because they will be able to write and  communicate in a productive way. They will be writing a poem about themselves, a topic they are very familiar with. My class loves creating and sharing. We are working on our speaking skills and we tying to overcome shyness. The lesson outcome will be important in the real world because the students need to be familiar with the elements of poetry. They also need to be able to collaborate with peers and present information in front of others. Outcomes/Objectives: What will students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?  Outcomes should be written in the form of student learning and suggest viable methods of assessment. For teachers of English language learners: What language objectives will be addressed?                                                                                  (1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes) Goal and Objectives.Objective 1:The student will identify poetry vocabulary: Line, Stanza, ThemeObjective 2:The student will be able to identify at least three parts of speech such as: verb, noun, Proper noun, adjectiveObjective 3:The student will organize a list of words that describe themselves and their families.Objective 4:The student will create a final copy of their poem.Content Standard(s) and/or Common Core Learning Standard(s): For example: (CCSS) 4.NBT.3 Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place. Content area teachers should include appropriate English Language Arts Common Core Standards for Content Areas, if appropriate, in addition to content standards. (1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)RL.5.5 Explain how a series of chapters, scenes, or stanzas fits together to provide the overall structure of a particular [story, drama, or poem].CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.5.5Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. W.5.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.Use of Formative Assessment to Inform Planning: Describe your student’s current levels of understanding of the content related to the outcome for this lesson. What are some of the indicators that let you know that these outcomes and the lesson activities represent the appropriate amount of cognitive challenge for all students?(1f: Designing Student Assessments) I believe my students have a basic knowledge of poetry, but many will still think that a poem HAS to rhyme.Class Information: Describe any unique characteristics of the class (considerations may include: special needs, language levels, learning styles, etc.). Describe how other adults (paraprofessionals, volunteers, co-teachers, resource teachers, etc.) will support student learning, if applicable. Also include any other circumstances an observer should know about.                                                                 (1b: Knowledge of Students) I have one student who is labeled gifted and four students who are labeled Special Education. The rest of my class is a mixture of students who all have their own personal strengths and weaknesses.Overview: Provide a brief overview of the lesson. The overview should provide the observer with a description of the lesson’s content and how it relates to the larger unit. Include prerequisite knowledge required to meet lesson outcomes and relationship to future learning. (1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)The lesson will follow the I Do, We Do, You Do model as I will have a completed poem about me ready, we will then create a poem together and finally the students will create their own poems.                                                                                                                               Technologies and Other Materials /Resources: List all materials, handouts, resources, and technology tools that are needed by the student or the teacher to execute the lesson. Technologies may include hardware, software, and websites, etc. Materials and resources may include physical resources (e.g. books, manipulatives, supplies, equipment, etc.) and/or people resources (e.g. guest speakers, librarian, etc.). (1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)                                                 Lap top, Projector, paper, pencils, chart paper, copies of  poem “frame”.Grouping Strategy: Describe how you will group students to facilitate learning of the outcomes of this lesson. What is the rationale for the grouping strategy?(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) I try to pair academically strong students with students who struggle academically.Academic Vocabulary: What key terms are essential to this content? What terms are essential to develop and extend students vocabulary?(1a: Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1b: Knowledge of Students) Stanza, verse, line, theme, adjective, verb, nounThese are not necessarily words that are used in everyday language, so they will be new to the students.Lesson Procedures: The procedures should clearly describe the sequence of learning activities and should identify where and how all materials, technology tools and student-created technology products, and reproducible materials/handouts are utilized in the lesson. Describe the lesson sequence:

  • How will the lesson launch?
  • How will the material be presented?
  • What questions will be posed to the students? What are the expected responses?
  • How and when will the teacher model?
  • What opportunities will there be for guided practice, group work and individual practice?
  • How and when will you monitor student understanding throughout the lesson?
  • What opportunities will there be for reflection and closure?

Include approximate time allocations for each portion of the lesson.  Be very precise when explaining the teacher and student tasks during the learning activities.(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)Instructional Activity Teacher’s Role  Motivation a) Remind the students that we are reading a story where the author uses poetry and vivid language to create a wonderful story.b) To tell the students that it is important that they are able to express themselves through written and spoken word.ObjectiveObjective 1:The student will identify poetry vocabulary: Line, Stanza, ThemeObjective 2:The student will be able to identify at least three parts of speech such as: verb, noun, Proper noun, adjectiveObjective 3:The student will organize a list of words that describe themselves and their families.Objective 4:The student will create a final copy of their poem. Tell students that they will have a better understand of poetry vocabulary and parts of speech..Prerequisites That poems don’t have to rhymeInformation and examples 1.    I will present my poem to the class and see if they are able to identify the subject (me).2.    Present the poem writing frame.3.    Tell the students that we will write a poem together about Ms. Angel.4.    We will work together to refine the poem.5.    I will summarize the directions and pass out the materials needed.6.    The students will begin brainstorming words that describe themselves according to the writing frame.7.    7. When the students have completed their poems, explain to them that they are now going to make their poems come alive. Using the poem that you modeled before, have students brainstorm descriptive words that make the images more vivid. For example, instead of brown hair, use chocolatey-brown hair and instead of lover of ice cream, lover of ice cream that cools you to your toes.8. Model the rewriting of your poem, after it has been edited, making the necessary deletions, additions and changes to make the poem come alive.9. Discuss with the students how the use of descriptive language makes the poem more interesting.10. Have the students rewrite their poems using their descriptive language to make the poems come to life.8.    If time allows, I will have the students rewrite their poem and add illustrations.9.    I will wrap up the activity/lesson by having volunteers read their poems to the class.Monitor groups offering assistance where necessary. Focus on struggling students.Differentiation: Describe how you will differentiate instruction for a variety of learners, including students will special needs, English Language Learners, and high achieving students to ensure that all students have access to and are able to engage appropriately in this lesson. Be specific. (1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)I try to pair strong students with weaker students and ELL students with non ELL students. I also have to take personalities into consideration when creating groups. I will often give my middle of the road students’ leadership roles to help boost their self confidence.Assessment Criteria for Success:

  • How and when will you assess student learning throughout the lesson (formative)?
  • How will you and your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes?
  • What is the criteria for mastery of the lesson outcome(s)?
  • Describe any (formative and summative) assessments to be used.

(1f: Designing Student Assessments)I will monitor comprehension while the students are working and during their presentations. I will know if they have successfully met the outcomes by reviewing their poems and by informal observation during class. The criteria for master will be an understanding the purpose of a poem. I think this can be shown in multiples ways such as formal assessment, conversation and pictorial.Anticipated Difficulties: What difficulties or possible misunderstanding do you anticipate that students may encounter? How will you prevent them from occurring?(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)The only difficulties I predict are students who are afraid of writing about themselves. It can be very intimidating to share personal information. It can also feel uncomfortable to list positive qualities about yourself.Reflections: List at least three questions you will ask yourself after the lesson is taught.                                                                                                                                                             (4a: Reflecting on Teaching)

  1. Did the students learn about poetry?
  2. Where the students engaged in their learning?
  3. Will this lead to possible research projects for my gifted/advanced students? (free verse poetry.)
  4. Can we create our poems digitally?


Lesson Duration

45 Minutes


  • ELA
  • observation
  • Poetry


  • Poetry


  • Common Core ELA
  • Common Core ELA
  • Reading: Literature

[if ffstdother]

Other/Alternative Standard(s)

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